Author Archives: CL

About CL

Hello! I’m Cassidy Lackey and I'm fascinated by the pride Texans have for their great state. While not a native Texan, I’ve been here for about 30 years, first arriving in 1991 to attend Baylor University. I spend my days on an entrepreneur journey primarily focused on my small businesses, Texas Marimbas, Drone Pilots Media, and

Dripping or Leaking Water Dispenser?

ge water valve replacementIf your refrigerator water dispenser recently started leaking or dripping water slowly then you might have an issue with water valve.  Some refrigerators use a dual water valve like the WR57X10032 water valve one for the ice maker and one for the water dispenser.  Therefore it is possible that the water dispenser is working fine but the ice maker is not receiving water or vice versa.

Fortunately, the latest water valves have a very simple installation a new style push on fittings for water outlet line and a screw on compression for the water inlet fitting.  These new valves cost under $40 and can be replaced in a few minutes.

Depending on your refrigerator model, we recommend the WR57X10032 water valve which replaces the older 880070, AH304374, EA304374, PS304374, WR57X10040, WR57X10064.  This is a GE Factory Part but GE brands include General Electric, Hotpoint, RCA as well as various appliance models for Sears / Kenmore.  Simply enter the model of your refrigerator in the search tool at the top of the Amazon page to ensure it is the correct water valve for your model.

A few happy customers…

“Water stopped working on my refrigerator so I replaced the water valve. This fits just right and appears to be good quality. It was challenging to get to the back of the fridge remove the motor cover but the install of the valve was easy. “

“I figured out the old valve was leaking so I found the part I needed on Amazon. I had the part in a day, watched a couple YouTube Videos and had it done in no time – super simple job.  It took longer to roll refrigerator out and take the cover off then it took to replace the valve.”

“Our fridge had issues with weak water dispenser flow for months. I thought it was the freezing water line but we began hearing strange noises when dispensing water and ice maker was filling.  Since it was just $35 we decided to replace the water valve. Luckily, it is a very easy process and it did solve both problems with one stroke.”

Tell us if this worked for you below so we can help each other solve these frustrating refrigerator issues!

Ice Dispenser Door Stuck Open?

Is your ice dispenser door on your GE refrigerator not closing properly?  Sometimes you can simply tap or lift the door to close it but eventually, the door will stick in place and not close at all.  Once the door is stuck open it will create frost on the inside of the freezer and even begin dripping water on the outside.

This is a common issue with GE refrigerators as the solenoid that opens and closes the ice maker dispenser door gets corroded and stuck.  Fortunately, it is only takes about 10 minutes and a $25 part to fix.  there are a number YouTube videos demonstrating how to change the solenoid such as this one.

The solenoid for you’ll want to choose is the GE WR62X10055 Solenoid Assembly below but make sure you confirm your model number at the top of the page.

Let us know below if this works for you in the comments below so we can continue to help other visitors with the same issue!

GE Refrigerator Ice Maker Stopped Working?

There is no argument that they don’t make refrigerators like they used to.  The plastic is easily broken and the designs are less than optimal.  Fortunately, between amazon and youtube you’ll find that most homeowners can fix their refrigerator themselves with in under and hour and less than $100.

Ice makers are commonly problematic on GE refrigerators.  The plastic will break, they will overfill with water, underfill, stop filling altogether, stop spinning to drop the ice, spin but not drop the ice or sometimes they’ll just keep making too much ice and not stop!

If your GE refrigerator ice maker quit working or performs less than optimally then you have a few options.  1.  Call a repairman and spend $400-$500 to fix it, 2. buy a new refrigerator, 3. just live without or 4.  FIX IT YOURSELF!

Most ice maker repairs will require a complete ice maker kit replacement  but they are relatively easy to replace.  Some homeowners claim it took less than 15 minutes to replace their icemaker with this GE WR30X10093 ice maker replacement kit.

Here are a few reviews from customers who have used this ice maker kit to replace their GE refrigerator ice maker that stopped working.

“My ice maker stopped working and my handyman said just to replace it (about 5-6 years old). I finally got tired of buying bags of ice and ordered this ice maker…I received the product sooner than stated, read the directions, watched a YouTube video and decided to tackle installation myself… I couldn’t be more pleased and it would have taken about 15 minutes if I weren’t confused by the Stripper Plate step.”

“My GE fridge decided to stop making Ice a while ago…Once everything was installed I turned it on and it started making ice right away. At this point the bin is full of ice and I no longer have to buy bags and fill the thing up. I honestly don’t know why I waited this long. Works great in my GE fridge.”

“I replaced my original icemaker, which wouldn’t stop making ice, with this one, which works just fine. The cubes are a little bit smaller than before, but no big deal. ”

GE Refrigerator Quit Working?

GE Refrigerator Quit Working

GE Refrigerator Main Controller Board

One morning I woke up and noticed my GE refrigerator quit working.  The power was on, the light in the refrigerator was on but neither the freezer nor the fridge was cold.   Sounds bad eh? Call the refrigerator repairman? No!

This is actually quite common with GE refrigerators.  Some users find that the unit quits cooling altogether while others find that just the refrigerator or freezer is no longer cold. This is almost always an issue with the main controller board which is essentially the “brains” of the refrigerator.

Other symptoms for the control board issue might include that it cools sometimes but not others while others hear a clicking, whistling or howling sound.  You might even see “HRS” flashing on the LCD panel if your refrigerator is equipped with one.

Apparently, the main controller boards will quit working on GE refrigerators quite often. Of course, you are welcome to calling an appliance repairman to fix it but it’ll probably cost $400-$500.  Or you can simply purchase this $135 main controller board from amazon and replace the old board in about 20 minutes.  This WR55X10942 board replaces the older refrigerator mainboards, such as WR55X10552, WR55X10656, WR55X10335.

Here are a few examples of GE Refrigerator issues that were fixed with a new controller board:

“GE refrigerator quit working on a Sunday morning. Called for repair, earliest appointment was in 7 days. Went DIY. Ordered part from Amazon that Sunday night. Board arrived Monday evening! Fridge fixed 39 minutes later. Unbelievably fast shipping and it was a relative breeze to install.”

“My Ge Profile psi23scrbsv fridge completely quit working after multiple power outages over a few day period. Interior light was working but only other sign of life was ‘HRS” flashing on the display panel. Some searching seemed to indicate this could be the main control board. Instead of waiting several days for an expensive service visit, I decided to try this myself. Ordered and received in less than 24hrs, and only took about 30mins to uninstall old board and install the new one (plus time to move fridge around) Fridge immediately came back to life when plugged back in and was fully cooled to my set temperatures in about 16-18 hours.”

“Factory replacement board. Very easy to install. Please note that the buses on this board differ from those on the board that came installed on my ten-year-old refrigerator. Despite the different location of the buses, installation is not difficult; just pay close attention to where you removed the plugs on the initial board.”

Let us know if this worked for you (or not) in the comments below so we can help each other fix these annoying issues!

Whirlpool Crisper Drawer Cracked?

It is fairly common for the plastic drawers and bins to crack in these refrigerators. The appear to be made of Polycarbonate or a similar that can crack easily and eventually break altogether. I guess they just don’t make them like they used to! Fortunately there is no need to call a refrigerator repair man these days if you can do a little searching and find the right part online.

We broke one of our crisper drawers on our Whirlpool ED25QFXHW02.  We used it for a while but it kept falling off the track and was difficult to slide in and out .  Fortunately we were able to find a replacement with the sliding humidity control here on amazon.  Amazon even allows you to enter the model number of your fridge in order to ensure it is a good fit.

Here are a few customer quotes on that crisper drawer.

“This fit my Whirlpool ED5KVEXVQ00 refrigerator perfectly…It is actually an improvement over the original drawer in that this product has humidity control.”

“Love it! Saved a ton of money.”

“Perfect fit. The originals seemed to be very flimsy.”


How to Connect a Reverse Osmosis Water Filter to Refrigerator Water Dispenser

I admit it.  I’m kind of a clean water freak.  I don’t like the thought feeding my family a regular dose of chlorine, chloramine, fluoride and pharmaceuticals found in most city water.  We also moved to an area with a neighborhood well and nearby fracking so no telling what else ends up in our water.

We love getting our cold water from our refrigerator so I started testing various refrigerator water filters for our LG refrigerator using an inexpensive TDS meter.  Granted, TDS meters aren’t perfect.  They don’t actually tell you what is in your water but they can give you an indication as to how much your filter is removing. Simply test tap water, record the TDS number then record the refrigerator water after it has been filters and compare the two numbers.  In my testing, the water filter was doing almost nothing to remove the total solids.

So, I started looking into other options.  It was clear after a few hours of research that the only filter that can remove chlorine, chloramine, fluoride, pharmaceuticals, and much of the junk coming out of a well is a reverse osmosis filter.   Now, these filters are a little more complex but well worth it.  Basically, they filter a small amount of water throughout the day by forcing it through a semipermeable membrane then store it in the storage tank for when you need it.  The excess water and contaminants left over get dumped in the drain.  The water out of the system is low pressure so you can’t push this through your normal faucet.  It is only intended to fill water glasses, etc…

So, I really wanted to hook up a reverse osmosis system to my refrigerator so I could continue to get cold, fresh water from my refrigerator water dispenser.  I did quite a bit of research and couldn’t find a clear answer. Some sites said yes, others said no, there wasn’t enough pressure out of the osmosis system to push through the refrigerator.

I decided to give it a try.  I did tons of research on the reverse osmosis systems and purchased the iSpring RCC7AK 6-Stage Under-Sink Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System along with the refrigerator connection kit.  The package arrived quickly and in good condition.  While there are lots of parts, the instructions were clear, everything was color-coded well and it all went together in about an hour.  Of course, it comes with a water dispenser for your sink so I just didn’t install that.  Instead, I connected the outflow on the reverse osmosis filter system to my refrigerator water line.   Unfortunately, you won’t know if it works right away as it takes some time to filter the water and fill up the tank.  However, after a few hours, I tried it and IT WORKED!

The instructions suggest you fill and dump the water a few times to clean out the filters, etc..  After that my TDS numbers went from >600 in tap water to under 50 through the filter.

*** Update – a year later I’ve changed the filters once and my iSpring RCC7AK is still working perfectly with my refrigerator water dispenser.  Our family loves the fresh, clean, cold water at our house.  They take huge water bottles full to school as they don’t like the taste of the water at school.  I purchased the two-year water filter package just so I’d have plenty of filters on hand when I need them.

*** Update 2 – Looking back, I probably should have splurged a bit and purchased the iSpring reverse osmosis filter with the UV sterilizer just for a bit more peace of mind.

*** Updated 3 – two years later and our reverse osmosis is still rocking some clean water through our refrigerator water dispenser. We haven’t replaced the filters every 6 months but I’ve found that our water was actually quite clean to begin with.


LG Refrigerator Change Water Filter Light On?

If you’ve recently noticed the “water filter” warning light on your LG refrigerator then it is likely time to replace the filter. Sometimes you might also notice that the water pressure is getting lower and it is taking more time to fill your cup. This is because sediment clogs up the filter so the water has trouble getting through it. You can pick up the LG LT700P Replacement Refrigerator Water Filter (also known as part# ADQ36006101) from amazon here.

Filter replacement is quick and easy – Eliminates harmful chemicals to provide safer drinking water – System tested and certified by NSF International against NSF/ANSI Standard 42 and Standard 53 for reduction of substances found in – Have great tasting water for just pennies on the gallon

The LG LT700P fits the new 2010 LG refrigerators with forward french doors and four-door dispensing models including the LFX25978SB, LFX25978ST, LFX25978SW, LFX25991ST, LFX28968SB, LFX28968ST, LFX28968SW, LFX28978SB, LFX28978ST, LFX28978SW, LFX28979SB, LFX28979ST, LFX28979SW, LFX28991ST, LFX28995ST, LFX29927SB, LFX29927ST, LFX29927SW, LFX29945ST, LFX31925SB, LFX31925ST, LFX31925SW, LFX31935ST, LFX31945ST, LFX31995ST, LFX32945ST, LFX33974ST, LMX25986SB, LMX25986ST, LMX25986SW, LMX25988SB, LMX25988ST, LMX25988SW, LMX28988SB, LMX28988ST, LMX28988SW, LMX30995ST, LMX31985ST, LSFD2591ST, LSSB2791ST, LFX25976SW

GE Refrigerator ICE Maker Not Working? Fix it Yourself!

It is quite common for the GE refrigerator Ice maker to break or completely quit working. I’ve read reports from hundreds of GE refrigerator owners people with the same issue. Some users complain that plastic parts had broken while others say the icemaker simply quit working and no longer makes ice.

Instead of calling a repairman and spending $500 dollars to repair the ice maker, you can replace the icemaker yourself without much trouble. The GE refrigerator icemaker can be purchased for roughly $100 and installed within 15 minutes. Check out the GE WR30X10093 Replacement Icemaker Kit from amazon. While some users would like to purchase just the broken ice maker parts it is generally recommended that you just replace the entire icemaker.

Take a few minutes to read the reviews of over 200 GE owners like you who have successfully replaced their GE icemaker and give it a shot. You’ll be glad you did it when your icemaker starts making ice and you’ve only spent 1/4 of the cost to have it repaired.

The replacement icemaker is compatible with the following model numbers (and more!)
WR30X10093, AP4345120, 1399596, PS1993870, WR30X10012, WR30x10014, WR30X318, WR29X5144, WR30M149, WR30X0289, WR30X10012, WR30X10014, WR30X10015, WR30X10044, WR30X10058, WR30X10061, WR30X10062, WR30X10063, WR30X10082, WR30X10087, WR30X138, WR30X147, WR30X148, WR30X159, WR30X169, WR30X199, WR30X203, WR30X213, WR30X214, WR30X217, WR30X238, WR30X241, WR30X259, WR30X282, WR30X282R, WR30X283, WR30X289, WR30X290, WR30X295, WR30X299, WR30X303, WR30X304, WR30X304R, WR30X307, WR30X310, WR30X315, WR30X318, WR30X320, WR30X325, WR30X327, WR30X328, WR30X329, WR30X331, WR30X0318,

GE Refrigerator Slow Water Dispenser? Check your GSWF Water Filter

If you own one of the GE refrigerator models below and you’ve been experiencing slow water dispensing then you might need a new water filter. GE recommends a filter replacement every 6 months so you haven’t replaced your filter since then you might want to consider it. The filters eventually become clogged with sediment and will cause the water pressure after the filter to decrease. You’ll notice this if it takes longer to fill your cup than normal.

Fortunately, it is an easy fix and it only takes about one minute. Just unscrew your old GE GSWF water filter and replace it with a new one from amazon.

The GSWF filter is compatible with the following GE Refrigerators:

Need a GE Refrigerator Water Filter?

GE GSE25HMHES Frost-Free Side-by-Side Refrigerator

GE GSE25HMHES Frost-Free Side-by-Side Refrigerator

If your GE Refrigerator has low water pressure and it seems to to fill your cups awfully slowly then the filter is probably full of sediment.   It is recommended that you replace your MWF filter every 3-6 months so if it has been longer than 6 months then you can pick one up here at amazon.  We suggest you grab 2 or 3 so you have them on hand next time you need them

When you replace the filter you notice an immediate boost in your water dispenser pressure and cleanliness of the water. GE’s NSF-certified MWF replacement refrigerator water filter provides you and your loved ones cleaner, healthier, and better-tasting drinking water at home. By reducing contaminants like mercury, toxaphene, p-dichlorobenzene, carbofuran, alachlor, benzene, lead, cryptosporidium, and giardia, the MWF is a safe and affordable way to contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Newly tested and verified to filter 5 trace pharmaceuticals including ibuprofen, progesterone, atenolol, trimethoprim, and fluoxetine.